Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My first post. What do I say? Well, I am pregnant. WOW! My baby girl Kyndal hurt herself. Her neck is all kinked to one side. It has been 4 days. Today it shows smalls signs of mending. I am so thankful for this. There has not been much I can do for her but pray. She says " I will do it myself." Eathan, Joseph, and Patricia are playing soccer. WHAT WAS I THINKING!! It is hard to be sick and then go to practices and games. They are having fun. So that makes it worth it. Right? Betha has been doing alot better. She is still pretty well stuck in her bed. She is just not in the pain that she has been in. Vel for now has pretty well takin over the days. I just have to go on the weekend unless she needs something. It has been good since I have been sick all the time. Emma. My baby. I have to say something about her. She is her mothers child. She loves to torture her dad. I have tried to blame it on her father but, I cannot.